Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ballad of An Entwife

I hide in shadows
'neath withered limbs
the sky grows darker
the forest dims
I left the entmen
so far away
and now in sorrow
I'll soon decay

As a young entwife
I longed to run
through verdant pastures
so free and fun
but now uprooted
I'm doomed to fade
and die in autumn
no more to shade

So tell the entmen
I'll miss their might
their massive branches
their tow'ring height
their leaves so gentle
their roots so strong
their joyous voices
raised in entmen song

Condensation Drawin

Friday, August 6, 2010

Double Foldy

Fold-over Drawings

Birthday Telephone Pictionary

To play Telephone Pictionary:
Each player needs a long piece of paper. Sit in a circle. Start by writing a sentence at the top, then pass to one side. Illustrate the sentence you received, and then fold the paper so only your illustration is visible, then pass again. Write a sentence about the illustration you received, then fold the paper so only the sentence is visible, and repeat until you're out of room, or you've got your original sentence back.

At the end it can be funny to match up the original sentence with the final illustration.