I dreamt that I was pregnant
I dreamt that I was going to die
I dreamt that I was flying
I dreamt that I was kidnapped
I dreamt that I killed someone
I dreamt that I had a baby
I dreamt that I was pregnant
I dreamt that I am pregnant
I dreamt that I had a baby
I dreamt that I had a baby boy
I dreamt that I lost a tooth
I dreamt that I stole
I dreamt that I stole money
I dreamt that I killed someone
I dreamt that I died
I dreamt that I found money
I dreamt that I was flying
I dreamt that I got married
I dreamt that I got shot
I dreamt that I gave birth
I dreamt that I was going to die
I dreamt that I had a baby
I dreamt that I had a baby boy
I dreamt that I had cancer
I dreamt that I killed someone
I dreamt that I killed my sister
I dreamt that I killed
I dreamt that I kissed a girl
I dreamt that I lost a tooth
I dreamt that I lost my teeth
I dreamt that I lived in marble halls
I dreamt that I lost all my teeth
I dreamt that I cheated on my boyfriend
I dreamt that I cheated on my girlfriend
I dreamt that I could fly
I dreamt that I murdered someone
I dreamt that I my tooth fell out
I dreamt that I miscarried
I dreamt that I got married
I dreamt that I had a baby
I dreamed that I was pregnant
I dreamed that I was old
I dreamed that I was missing
I dreamed that I talked to god
I dreamed that I had twins
I dreamed that I fell in love
I dreamed that I pulled out my teeth
I dreamed that I peed
I dreamed that I was pregnant
I dreamed that I another man
I dreamed that I am pregnant
I dreamed that I was in a hollywood movie
I dreamed that I am flying
I dreamed that I died
I dreamed that I died what does that mean
I dreamed that I fell in love
I dreamed that I flied
I dreamed that I failed
I dreamed that I found money
I dreamed that I got married
I dreamed that I got shot
I dreamed that I gave birth
I dreamed that had a baby
I dreamed that I had twins
I dreamed that I had a baby boy
I dreamed that I had cancer
I dreamed that I jumped off a building
I dreamed that I kissed my crush
I dreamed that I lost a tooth
I dreamed that I lost
I dreamed that I lost teeth
I dreamed that I lost a shoe
I dreamed that I cheated on my girlfriend
I dreamed that I cheated on my husband
I dreamed that I cheated on my boyfriend
I dreamed that I could fly
I dreamed that I vomited blood
I dreamed that I gave birth
I dreamed that I murdered someone
I dreamed that I missed you
I dreamed that I married to a stranger
I dreamed that I got married
I dreamed that you were gone
Why is the sky blue
Why do cats purr
Why is moonshine illegal
Why do women cheat
Why do people lie
Why do people cheat
Why are manhole covers round
Why am I so tired
Why am I still single
Why are wetlands important
Why do cats purr
Why did I get married
Why do men cheat
Why do we yawn
Why get married
Why hasn't he called
Why cant I sleep
Why do women cheat
Why me
Why do men pull away
Why men and women cant be friends