Saturday, December 3, 2011

More Giftmas Poetry: der Adventskalendar

So, I read this poem on one of my new favorite websites (Futility Closet).

JANet was quite ill one day.

FEBrile troubles came her way.

MARtyr-like she lay in bed;

APRoned nurses softly sped.

“MAYbe,” said the leech judicial,

“JUNket would be beneficial.
JULeps, too, though freely tried,

AUGured ill, for Janet died.

SEPulcher was sadly made;

OCTaves pealed and prayers were said.

NOVices with many a tear
DECorated Janet’s bier.
– Carolyn Wells, Folly for the Wise, 1904

It inspired me to write my own Giftmas-flavored version.

JANtle breezes wafted by,
FEB or six small flakes aloft,
MARry Christmas songs abound,
APRicots in stockings soft.
MAYking cookies, cakes, and pies,
JULs of shining candy bright,
AUGht to get some sleep I know,
'SEPt I can't sleep a wink tonight.
OCTual reindeer hooves I hear,
NOVer before have I heard so clear,
DECidedly St. Nick is here...


  1. SPRINGing to chimney side, what is that clatter?

    SUMMER up there, somewhat was the matter.

    FALLing down ashes, why pitter and patter?

    WINTER answer for all is that Santa got fatter.
