Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Comic!

Another in the vein of our Moby Dick variations.


  1. I commented, but its not showing up.. testing...

  2. Ok, then: I first read this a couple times before recognizing the pun. It was still pretty good, in fact, it sort of gave it more dimension with the mysterious sense of some unknown logic behind the events. In any case, the panels are effective at creating a sort of beat in my mind as I read it, and then when the thunder booms in, i really get the sense of an awesome, sublime beat harmony.

  3. Not sure I really understand this comic but I don't think I need to.

  4. Laura says "I like it."
    I also "like" it, sort of. What the heck... ok, I guess I like it. But what does it have to do with Moby Dick?
    I feel like this comic is for conor.

  5. What I understand about this comic is not much, but I am compelled to like it because, well I don't really know. But I agree with Laura.
