Friday, February 27, 2015

Self Portrait Challenge



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mom, yes! Excellent entry. The back of a car, bumper stickers included, does display so much about the driver within. State license plates are a big factor too, but since you have the RVA sticker it would have been redundant to include here. A perfect, spare, and effective self portrait.

    1. Hooray for ladies participatin'! I've often thought about how much of a persons essence we start to recognize in their car when it's really familiar. Seeing dads car in the driveway didn't just mean that dad was home, or even just symbolize the dad I knew was inside, but seemed to be an additional layer of dads body, as separate as clothes, but no less meaningful. You can see the dad in the car, but also the car in the dad. And so this self po', mom, is immediately recognizable and vurry nice!

  3. Charmingly executed, maw. General sturdiness mixed with lack of any one particularly sturdy element. Also, if I try to look at it as a face, it kind of looks like you.
