Monday, February 17, 2020

Convenience Store - The Highest Integration of Art and Life?

Are corner stores the highest integration of art and life? Maybe not, but they're pretty close. To respond to this week's theme, I drew a convenience store in a two story building. The apartment (life) is above and the convenience store (art) is below.

You might ask, "are convenience store art?" Well, I don't know. But maybe the distinction between art and life could be that life is private aspect of existence and art is the public aspect of existence.

If that isn't what art is, if art means basically painting, sculpture, etc. (which I am fine with), then convenience stores are not art. In that case, I drew a picture (art) of a convenience store (life). I think I'm covered either way here.

Three cheers for the revamped rhino!

1 comment:

  1. A welcoming looking store. The suggestion of what's inside is Hopper-esque
