Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday Comixz # 30 (Burry)


  1. This comic is awesome, drawings are super good, color is perfect, super comic, super great, nice job, awesome comic.

  2. This, my friend, is vurry vurry good.

  3. This comic is another example of how masterful you're getting with your comic work. The design, drawing, pace, subject matter and story line. All beautiful. You have a way of creating tightly controlled images that still feel spontaneous. As Tom says: Awesome comic.

  4. crud... i put a comment and its gone... why me?

  5. Werra pleasing, dzmakkabo. I can't really 'see' the idea of the white line drawings touching night sky and sunrise, but the effect of the book is eye candy. Fave picture: upper right corner, car w/ headlights-- NICE. I couldn't quite tell who is texting what to whom, but then, I never can. The dude reminds me of hardcore chicken, and I can relate to the picture where he adjusts the volume (pg3pic2).

  6. ah yes, hardcore chicken. yes, this comic takes place in the world of hardcore chicken.
