Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday Comics #40 (Tom)

Here's ma comic.
I recommend looking at this BIG IMAGE.


  1. Comic 1:
    Scanned some food OK. Imagined you were great at scannin' food.
    Comic 2:
    Looked wistful in a diner. Inducted into Trucking Brotherhood.
    Comic 3.
    A guy. Got magic powers.

    Mundane fantasy taken to the extreme.

  2. Yeah, kinda realized this one was not mundane.

  3. I like how the tone is gravest in the beginning when nothings going on, and gets lighter and lighter as the goings on get more serious. Very much resembles a momentary daydream.

  4. I am liking this stuff. It is good because I want to be that guy. Perhaps I am. I will now try to make my hand do laser stuff. I will be careful not to accidentally zap Cristy.
