Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Comics #46 (Tom)

Dad told me that Blood Mouth was the theme for this week without even THINKING about BLOODMOUTH DACTYLHELM.

So I just had to make a comic about Lord Bloodmouth Dactylhelm and his band of bloodthirsty intergalactic miscreants.


  1. This is fine work. I'm curious about panel 4 (my favorite) why they cursive dialogue?

  2. Ilaria one time was suggesting ' different' potential names for babies, and the example was Zebulon. I thought that was crazy, and I said it sounded like some kind of alien planet. This doubles the pleasure of finding a Bloodtooth Dactyl Helm comic. g. j.

  3. Computer coloring detracts. Nice lines!

  4. This is like the chill episode of Star Trek we always want to watch. Good computer coloring; don't listen to Barry.
