Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Barry


  1. Thanks DOKAY and NORGUN! An innovative, international intervention. What if there was a Hallmark: Experimental Division?

    Three other fresh ideas from Hallmark Experimental:
    1. 28 musical firecrackers to blow up in the birthday individual's bedroom at 6am.
    2. Shut down N. 28th street with traffic cones and signs that say "Happy Birthday" in safety orange.
    3. Custom fake Parking ticket to slip under windshield wiper that is a secret coded Birthday Card!

  2. I LOVE this work. Some of the most experimental on the Rhino. I give big kudos to Donald for keeping it coming from Tokyo. We could all use to take his lead.

  3. Thanks, Dad. I forgot to mention in the post that Norris Guncheon wrote the verbal projections at the end so props to him for that.
