Sunday, June 19, 2016

Herman's stencil art

Inspired by Grandma & Grandpa O'Keefe's gift of a shape stencil, Herman has been at it. The first is his fathers day card for me, a picture of himself playing with blocks. This is by far his most humanoid drawing to date. The second is his rendition of Mama standing next to a statue of the Hexagon King. The latter has his mouth open. These were done without outside suggestion or assistance.


  1. These are unbelievably awesome, I am inspired.

  2. Wonderful! Interesting to see his understanding of anatomy filtered this way! Keep the kid posts comin'

  3. These are great and remind me in a way of Tom's work when young. Especially his crazy skeletal figures that filled pages. Nice stuff!

  4. This is how Frank Stella started.
