Sunday, July 31, 2016

Watercolor: Path


  1. A man contemplates the mystery of his unknown future. Will it look the same from there as it does from here? Has the man ever considered the perpendicular reach of the trees? Maybe he never thought of that. Maybe there is another direction, another axis, some intersection between eternity and the present. Still, the man looks at the tiny spot where the furthest away visible part of the path is, and hopes something will come of it.

  2. Very deep. I think with all three of these I am trying to relearn watercolor technique. It is not coming as easily as drawing. Part of the reason may be that I wasn't looking at a subject while painting. So there's no real interplay of light and shadow. I was also playing with the combination of pen and watercolor having been inspired by drawings for the book BFG. But I consider all three of these studies on the path.

  3. I'm really enjoying this series of dad watercolors and coggy comments

    This one is like sloppy art nouveau, in a good way.

  4. Yes there is a kinship between your inky drawings and the BFG illustrator ("Quentin Blake" apparently). And also Shel Silverstein a little bit.

  5. When I think of dad art I think of Silverstein definitely, el Greco definitely, maybe Seuss, Quentin Blake lacks the hint of the grandiose, the hyperbolic drama

  6. At first, I disagreed w/ Tom, mostly because I am a big time Quentin Blake fan, but upon review, I think he's right on with the above comment, and that it's quite astute.
