Friday, August 5, 2016

Working on designs for a mural. Art is mega stressful sometimes. Overcommitting. Everything's public and high-stakes. Maybe it would be better to work as a Data Entry Specialist and stay amateur. 


  1. Beautiful work. Perfectly Barryesque and beautifully put together. Just the right amount of line. Heavier in the figure, lighter in the scenery. The strong lines and hatching on the bridge supports make them feel strong and permanent, while the looser treatment of sky and trees makes them feel more organic. I've always been a fan of the interplay of nature and manmade. This is well done all around. Frame this and hang it!

  2. Data entry is stressful. Working in an office is stressful. Office politics: Stressful. All adult work is stressful. These thing can feel burdensome, but we are born with strong backs to carry these burdens. Not pursuing your true talents is the greatest burden. Old people who ignore their talent never feel it was a good decision. They always wonder why they didn't stay the course.

  3. Good mural idea. As watercolor, flapping birds esp. appreciated- as subconsciously evoking beauty/futility of higher aspiration

  4. I am loving your highway and sky theme, it looks peaceful there, under the bridge

  5. Data entry can be an art, too. Do you know how tricky it is finding an opening in some of those numbers?
