Monday, February 20, 2017

Lord of the Rings Limericks: Please add your own in comments

There once was a wizard named Gandalf,
Who fought the Dark Lord to a stand off,
Then the lad from the shire,
Brought the ring to the fire,
But Gollum bit poor Frodo's hand off.


  1. There once was a hobbit named Frodo,
    Domestic as ol' Quasimodo,
    When he left with the ring,
    And first heard the Elves sing,
    He cried, "Kansas this ain't, uncle Toto!"

    (As with almost all my rhino contributions, this can only be fully appreciated by Tom.)

  2. another –

    There once was a rotter named Gollum,
    And Hobbits was his biggest prollum,
    He wanted the ring,
    So he bit off the fing,
    Not knowing what next would befall'im!

  3. Aragorn was a very fell knight
    Who never backed down from a fight
    He helped guard the ring
    So they named him the king
    Now he chills in the city of white

  4. A good friend is Tom Bombadillo
    He knows how to school Old Man Willow
    He'll draw you a tub
    And feed you good grub
    And save you from barrow-wights chillo.

  5. First of all, cogoo, thank you for reminding me of important things.

    Secondly, coho, your second poem is a masterpiece and I will now only refer to fingers as fings

  6. There once was a jerk named Bill Ferny
    Who sold a way overpriced perny
    It did as it should
    And carried stuff good
    In the end it was worth all the merny

  7. There once was a homeboy called Denethor
    Who was pretty sure he couldn't take no more.
    He built a big fire
    And his guards were like, "Sire?",
    But then Gandalf knocked that fool's ass to the floor.


    1. I'm glad it was clarified that this was a Laura Limerick - otherwise I'd chastise you for language.

  8. I agree that Conor's second is a kingly limerick and great additions by Tom, Laura and Cristy. We have not seen the end of this thread.

  9. There once was a gardener named Sam
    Who lived many months on the "lam"
    He kept watch and he cooked
    After Frodo he looked
    And of salt he kept just a few grams.

  10. There once was a barmaid named Rosy
    With Sam, she was known to get cozy
    They cavorted and dated
    But Sam hesitated
    Till the war gave him strength to proposey

  11. nice paw. nice, all. Laura's line, "And his guards were like, 'Sire?'" is a brilliant way to pack a lot of meaning into a short line. Here be a couple of 'em, if'n ye don't mind:

    O Galadriel was a fair Queen!
    Yea, the fairest that Gimley had seen!
    Yea, so fair, he decreed,
    That if you disagreed,
    He would bring down his axe on your bean!


    Said Dwarf Gimley to Elf Legolas:
    If our victory should come to pass,
    I'll indeed (if need be)
    Go to Fangorn with thee,
    But Helm's Deep will be much higher-class!

  12. In Mordor, dwelt Shelob the Spider.
    Foul creature, a stinker and biter.
    The Ring-bearer was brung her,
    Then Sam, with Sting stung her,
    So she squelched in a hole, hope she died ther.

  13. I also tried a Gimli/Galadriel limerick but couldn't get it to come out right. Nice going coggy

  14. Mom, your limerick reads like one that was written by hobbits

  15. There once was a dwarf lord called Thorin,
    Who thought being an exile was borin'.
    So he gathered a group
    Of his buddies to scoop
    Up his gold from a dragon a-snorin'

  16. Many happy posts here. Cristy's lovely "with Sting her stung her", Conor's Gimli poem is perfection, start to finish as is the Legolas/Gimili poem, and I love Tom's Thorin/Borin'/Snorin' combo. These are fun to write and fun to read.

  17. Sauron's Last Writings: A Trilogy

    Listen folks it's a terrible thing
    For a grown man to misplace his ring
    A foul creature once had it
    Then lost it dagnabbit
    And now I must find the halfling

    With my palantir I can now see
    That my precious ring comes back to me
    Soon we'll be uniting
    Then the king I'll be fighting
    And the world will go dark to my glee!

    We'll all of my plans just went "boom"
    Because Gollum fell into Mount Doom
    Aragorn overacted
    And kept me distracted
    Now it's I who'll end up in a tomb

    1. Good ones! I love thinking of sauropod saying dagnabbit

    2. A sauropod is also fun to imagine saying dagnabbit.

      Dad, I'm a big fan of your revisionist middle earth history

  18. The Witch King he drove his Fell Beast,
    On Snowmane intending to feast.
    The prophecies tell him,
    That no man can fell him,
    His bane, the Stern Maid who rode East.

    1. I loveth the tale of the Maid who slew the King.

  19. The elf they call Cirdan once spoke
    Of the ancient aggressors he smote.
    His listeners listened
    til a short intermission
    then said "Shut up and build me a boat."

    1. I had to look up Cirdan to understand this, but I was rewarded for my labor. Well done.

  20. Saruman had a deadly disease
    He forsaketh his forest of trees
    Their limbs dislocated
    They rose irritated
    And brought the white whiz to his knees

  21. I remember back when I had power
    And overlooked all from my tower
    Then those filthy old shrubs
    Came at me with their clubs
    And forced me, as Sharkey, to cower

  22. Anduril, the flame of the west,
    was a sword that some might call the best.
    While its wielder was happy
    his sword was so snappy,
    it left many orcs quite depressed.

  23. A hobbit, by name Bilbo Baggins,
    Loved the life that a hobbit imagines,
    Till some dwarves and a wizard
    Blew through like a blizzard
    And dragged him off hunting for dragons!

  24. Gandalf G left a message in Bree,
    ''Twas forgot by ol' Barliman B,
    So the Hobbits were late,
    When they got to the gate,
    But things worked out okay in the E.

  25. In a gentleman’s armor arrayed in
    Rode Rohan’s most famous Shield Maiden
    There was so much to carry
    For behind her was Merry
    On a horse that was heavily laden

  26. I'm finding these addictive. Here's one from the toes:

    Once, a keen ladykiller called Striker,
    (Must have been an ancestor of Riker),
    Had to say, "Eowyn,
    I can not be your man."
    (But it wasn't cuz he didn't like her.)

    1. I can't stop thinking of Limericks either!
      Good job rhyming Eowyn, I have been stuck on that. But you must be sleepy cos it's Strider and that don't rhyme with Riker, rewrite!

    2. Drat! I realized that this morning.
      I don't think it can be salvaged.
      I knew it was too good to be true.

  27. I'm also feeling addicted. Good to see life on the Rhino. So many worthy contribution, including Conor's straight from the toes story of Striker [sic].

  28. Radagast was a wizard in brown
    In his way, his assisted the crown
    He alerted the seagulls,
    the pigeons and eagles
    To help bring the white wizard down

  29. There once was a dwarf realm called Moria
    that was loaded with mithril and warriors
    But they delved way too deep
    And they dug up a creep
    Called a Balrog. There's some bad luck for ya.

  30. The Balrog poem is mighty indeed. The rhymes are grand.

  31. Twunce wuz a wiz. Call 'im Sharkey.
    From high towers he shouted malarkey.
    But the hobz up'n shoved 'im,
    Even squirmtung unloved 'im
    Thus concluding his crupt oligarchy.

    1. a perfect trio of arkey rhymes for this character.

  32. Perhaps my final contribution:

    Two hobbits named Merry and Pippin
    We’re hanging with Treebeard and sippin’
    Good beer and good weed
    Made them merry, indeed
    When Gandalf came those boys were trippin’

  33. Mary and Pipin were conspicuously neglected until now
