Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sunday Poem


What pays the bills
needs to be filled
but worthless,
can't contain a thing?

What carries weight
what proves we're great
but frail and mute
is a point, moot?

What draws the blood
and, sucking, floods
our lives with endless
vain pursuit?

What is this crap?
A 2D trap?
All life inside
a one page map?

As pants the heart
for cooling streams
So seethes the soul
at endless reams

of bullet points
and years and dreams
Condensed to seem
and not to mean.


  1. Ah! Another return, with poetry online and off. A greater summary of a resume I have not read.

    So good, in fact, that you might add it to your resume.

  2. Good poem, it's got a good beat and you can dance to it.
