Saturday, December 2, 2017

4 Panel Space Saga

Well, folks:

I am pleased to present you with the product of several weeks' intensive comic drawing labor! 


  1. This is everything I want to read and look at forever.

  2. Vermice is an alter-ego that embodies the dream-time childhood version of Conor. Does this, therefore, suggest that you haven't had enough time to pick flowers and put your nose in the grass up there in graduate school? I hope Winter break frees Vermice from life in the vacuum of space! Return to Earth Vermice!

  3. Also: When C. draws fast, C. draws like Paw. Is Paw fast C.? Is C. slow Paw?

  4. It is interesting to me that Vermice wears a headsuit only, no body suit, and that it looks like an extra-large halo. And also that "halo" is a funny word.
