Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another Cardboard Rhino

Every time we think the population of Cardboard Rhinos is diminishing, we encounter new evidence of Rhino sightings. This one came yesterday, after telling my class at the VCU Adcenter about the Cardboard Rhino blog, one of them told me that have been carrying around a Cardboard Rhino given to them by a friend. I didn’t believe it, but she produced evidence, which I quickly photographed to share here.

So I invite you, the few readers who may have happened onto this new blog, if you have had a sighting of a Cardboard Rhino, in any form, please submit a photo.


  1. You should take a snap of my carboard rhino back home.

  2. I've never seen a carboard Rhino --
    I never hope to see one.
    But I can tell you this right now:
    If I see one, I know where to blog it.


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  5. As a librarian and supporter of intellectual freedom, I must object to the evidence of censorship on this website:

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    Diane O'Keefe
